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Green Technology Science & Environment PRODUCT
GT SCIEN의 제품군입니다.
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Ventilated Laboratory Table
TOGA® Venti Table
TOGA® Venti Table
New concept EHS laboratory table equipped with TOGA® filter technology to safely remove toxic gases generated during experimentation.
Prevent spread of toxic gases with strong suction power
- Immediately removes toxic gases generated during experimentation, maintaining a safe laboratory environment. The flexible arm extracts toxic gases and is easily manipulated and rotates in 360 degrees, making it easy to extract and purify toxic gases. The flexible structure minimizes airflow resistance to maximize intake and efficiency.
Category Center-type Laboratory Table Side-type Laboratory Table Model GSPC-1000F series(Plane-type) GSPS-1000F series(Plane-type) GSPC-2000F series(Shelf-type) GSPS-2000F series(Shelf-type) Table width 1050mm / 1200mm / 1500mm / 1800mm Depth 1500mm 750mm Height 800mm (1800mm if shelf is included) Flexible Arm φ50mm, 400mm(Length)
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